The survey indicates there is a great deal of scepticism over whether driver behaviour will change: two in three Welsh adults believed that most drivers would not stick to a 20mph limit.
They are probably right. Yet also wrong. Even if drivers don't stick to the speed limit they don't tend to completely ignore it. You won't get many exceeding 30 in a 20 zone. Plus compliance generally increases.
My experience is that fewer drivers speed and generally by much less than when I passed my test. Plus speed limits are generally lower. A lot fewer 40 and 60 zones. And cars are a lot safer. So the net effect will be fewer collisions and those that do occur will be at lower speeds.
It's a real red letter day and no mistake, Mr 'olmes. For the first time in what must be nearly 10 years, I'm in an actual bank (in a queue obvs). It's a bank with real people you can talk with and everything. Mind blown. Can't see it catching on.
Games, level 5 now on Appollo Creed Odyssey. Took on my first Bounty Hunter. Took 5 or 6 goes but kicked his butt.